Praise the Lord my brothers and sisters. I greet you today in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. I do pray that you will open your Bibles as you read the messages on this website and search the scriptures. Continue to abide in Christ and Christ will continue to abide in you.
This month’s message is a story about a young lady who kept putting off giving her life to the Lord. So many have done this and many will try to do this in the future. I do pray that you will share this message with others, we all know a Tammy. As you read the story you might even recall when you acted like Tammy. We never know how much time we have to live, so I encourage you to repent and believe the Gospel, please don’t live your life in vain. Turn to Jesus right now and accept the way of life that Jesus has for all.
“My name is Tammy. This is my life. I will get saved when; “I’ve Got Time” I was born Jan 1, 1964, as I grew up, the LORD kept his hands on me. He healed my polio. Now I walk like you. “Thank you Jesus.” He showed me right from wrong. I think I’ll get saved when I turn 30. “I got on drugs, he brought me through. Thank you, Jesus! I got pregnant and cried to the Lord then he gave me a husband. I said to myself, when I turn 30, I’ll get saved, I’ve Got Time!
I’ve been shot in the back. The doctor said I would not walk again. I cried to Jesus for two years. Now I run and jump. I should get saved now! No, I’ll wait until I’m 30. “I’ve Got Time!” I have no food in my house. My children are hungry. I ask the Lord to make a way. Right then my doorbell rings it is the UPS man. He has a letter for me. I sing as I return in my house. I open the letter. It’s a check for $50. “Thank you Jesus.” Again I promise when I turn 30, I’ll get saved. “I’ve Got time” I read my bible. I know the Lord he and I go way back. “I’ve Got Time.”
It is Saturday night. I am going out. I am going to have myself some fun. I put the kids to bed. When I step out, I see my sister running towards me. She told me one of my children was playing with matches, and was burnt. Again, I cried to the Lord. LORD, LORD, hear my Prayer Help me Lord. And he did. He did not take my children. I did not lose my children to the state. I am really going to get saved when I turn 30. My cancer went into remission. My body is healed. Praise The Lord! “I’ve Got Time.” Tonight is my last night to live my unsaved life. Guess what? My birthday falls on Sunday. Therefore, tomorrow, I will be at Church praising the Lord, however, for now it is still Saturday. I am having so much fun at my party in my back yard; they throw me in the pool. I felt a timer in my head.
Something is happening to me. What’s Wrong? I don’t know I see light. There are people all around me. But I cannot talk. I cry to the Lord. I said, Lord what time is it? “It’s 11:55.”Who are you? I do not know your voice. “My name is Lucifer, I don’t Love, I don’t like. I just want your soul. Every time I came for you the Lord said no. Someone was Praying for you. So I planted a seed to make you think you had time. You see I’m smart, I’m dirty, and I’m the best liar you’d ever meet.” Tammy died December 31, 1993. Five minutes before she turned 30 years old. Now did she have time?” Now tell me,” DO YOU HAVE TIME?”
My brothers and sisters this story of Tammy is sad, yet there are plenty of Tammy’s walking around in the world today. The thief came to steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) The devil is searching for whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) We read in Job 1:7 that Satan was going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down it. The Devil is busy trying to distract one from the words of the Lord. Now we must abide in the words of the Lord so that we can resist the Devil with the word of the Lord. How can one resist the Devil on there own? Well this is impossible one needs the power of the Holy Spirit to resist the Devil. Jesus showed all how to resist the Devil in Matthew 4:1-11.
Jesus came into the world to save the lost, and to give life, eternal life to those who accept his was of living. Jesus has said that “He is the way the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6) We never know when we will take our last breathe, so I encourage you right now at this very moment to repent. Today right now at this very moment is the day of Salvation. We never know how much time we have left to live or to share our lives with the ones we Love. We never know how much time we have to live so get right with God, so get right with God right now turn from sin and turn to God. Stop living of this world and get saved right now and invite Jesus into your heart! Repent and believe the Gospel.